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Visitors 3
Modified 22-Nov-24
Created 24-Feb-19
178 photos

2019 Portland Winter Light Festival, February 7-9, 2019. Blog posts: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Photography
The Pickathon Treeline Stage by PSU School of ArchitectureThe Pickathon Treeline Stage by PSU School of ArchitectureThe Pickathon Treeline Stage by PSU School of ArchitectureThe Pickathon Treeline Stage by PSU School of ArchitectureThe Pickathon Treeline Stage by PSU School of ArchitectureThe Pickathon Treeline Stage by PSU School of ArchitectureThe Pickathon Treeline Stage by PSU School of ArchitectureThe Pickathon Treeline Stage by PSU School of ArchitectureThe Pickathon Treeline Stage by PSU School of ArchitectureLight CyclesLight CyclesLight CyclesLight CyclesThe Pickathon Treeline StageInflatabill LanternsInflatabill LanternsInflatabill LanternsInflatabill LanternsReflective Curtain by the Scott Center Construction TeamHypnotrons by Axiom Custom Products